Sunday, May 24, 2020
List of Works by Writer Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Ibsen is one of the most famous and controversial writers in world literature. Born in Norway in 1828, his plays would eventually make him a household name. Ibsen is a founder of the Modernist theater movement, a style of theater that focused on domestic interactions. The goal of realism was to create theater that resembled real life and had dialogue that sounded more natural. Ibsen is best known for the play A Dolls House, which deals with the limitations and harsh expectations of women at the time. As a whole, however, his plays broke new ground and earned him the nickname The Father of Realism. Henrik Ibsen List of Works 1850 - Catiline (Catilina)1850 - The Burial Mound, also known as The Warriors Barrow (Kjà ¦mpehà ¸jen)1851 - Norma (Norma)1853 - St. Johns Eve (Sancthansnatten)1854 - Lady Inger of Ostrat (Fru Inger til ÃËsteraad)1855 - The Feast at Solhaug (Gildet paa Solhoug)1856 - Olaf Liljekrans (Olaf Liljekrans)1857 - The Vikings at Helgeland (Hà ¦rmà ¦ndene paa Helgeland)1862 - Loves Comedy (Kjà ¦rlighedens Komedie)1864 - The Pretenders (Kongs-Emnerne)1865 - Brand (Brand)1867 - Peer Gynt (Peer Gynt)1869 - The League of Youth (De unges Forbund)1873 - Emperor and Galilean (Kejser og Galilà ¦er)1877 - Pillars of Society (Samfundets Stà ¸tter)1879 - A Dolls House (Et Dukkehjem)1871 - Poems (Digte), a collection of poetry1881 - Ghosts (Gengangere)1882 - An Enemy of the People (En Folkefiende)1884 - The Wild Duck (Vildanden)1886 - Rosmersholm (Rosmersholm)1888 - The Lady from the Sea (Fruen fra Havet)1890 - Hedda Gabler (Hedda Gabler)1892 - The Master Builder (Bygmester Solness)1896 - John G abriel Borkman (John Gabriel Borkman)1899 - When We Dead Awaken (Nà ¥r vi dà ¸de vaagner)
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Critical Thinking At The Ohio Nurses Association - 1939 Words
Critical thinking used throughout the nation in nursing everyday to protect and treat patients in the most effective way. An example would be if a patient walked in to the hospital with a platelet count of 1, the nurse would know that they have a risk for bleeding and would place them on ââ¬Å"risk for bleedingâ⬠protocols. Without critical thinking, the nurse would not know what to do. Critical thinking is a learned skill that every nurse should acquire, not only during his or her education, but also throughout his or her career. Exploring Critical Thinking There is no clear consensus regarding the definition of critical thinking. Definitions of critical thinking are very widespread. Although the definition is not definitive, it is known thatâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Precision is when statements are exact or specific. Relevance is a big element of critical thinking. If a statement is not significant, it can distract from the assessment data that is important. Logic is another component of critical thinking, which involves making sure the conclusion makes sense. Thelma Riddell, MScN, RN, COHN(C) believes there is no singular definition of critical thinking, but rather terms of components involved. Terms such as reflection, inquiry, interpretation and analysis, and reasoning and judgment are all terms that result in a change in belief or course of action. The first step in critical thinking is examining assumptions. This is not a simple task, and is most effective when a nurse uses critical questioning. Critical questioning allows the nurse to development reflective analysis, and encourage them to develop independent habits of critical reflection. Critical questioning must be specific to the event. The next step is reflective thought. During reflective though the nurse is aware of his or her own assumptions and how he or she is influenced by life experiences and culture. This is the key element in gaining critical thinking. Critical thinking was defined as a reasonable reflective thinking focused on deciding what actions to make by Ruth R. Ro bert. Evaluation standards to determine the true worth or value of a statement is very important in critical thinking. If a statement is not valued, it can easily be
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Does Hydro And Wave Energy Work Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
Energy besides known as electricity is an of import beginning of energy usage all around the universe. Electricity Energy helps make a batch of work such as it gives people visible radiation. It warms our organic structures and places. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Hydro And Wave Energy Work Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It runs our Television and our autos. It makes us turn and travel and believe. Energy is the power to alter things. It is the ability to make work. Light is a type of energy we use all the clip. We use it so we can see. We get most of our visible radiation from the Sun. At dark people must do there our ain visible radiation. Normally, we use electricity to do visible radiation. In today ââ¬Ës universe with the aid of latest engineering energy can be created by utilizing heat from Sun, power of air current and the force of falling H2O or moving ridge. Currently authorities from all around the universe are keen in puting a batch of money in these undertakings. The undertakings are met to be environmentally friendly, low in cost, easy to keep and resound free. Hydro energy system provides energy that usually comes from H2O force and converts to electricity. Hydro energy can be created by utilizing many ways. In most of the taking states, the most dependable and inexpensive common method of bring forthing energy from H2O are hydroelectric dikes, where H2O comes down through an country that causes turbines to revolve and so energy can be captured to run a generator. Power can besides be generated from the energy of tidal forces or beckon power, which uses the energy created by moving ridges. 1.2 Technology in different states Technological progresss in the workss and in power transmittal make it executable to construct hydroelectric workss in distant locations, far from where the power will be used. The Itaipu Dam on the Paran A ; aacute ; River between Paraguay and Brazil can bring forth up to 12,600 megawatts of power. This works, opened in 1982, supplies about all Paraguay ââ¬Ës electricity and one-fourth of that needed for Brazil. Tasik Kenyir ( Lake Kenyir ) Sultan Mahmud hydroelectric power station in Malaysia has a capacity of 400 megawatts of power. One of the largest hydroelectric undertakings in the universe is China ââ¬Ës Three Gorges undertaking on the Yangtze River. The dike, designed to command the lay waste toing inundations on the river, includes a big hydroelectric works. With a capacity of 18,200 megawatts, Three Gorges is projected to be able to supply up to one-ninth of China ââ¬Ës electricity needs. China has besides built many little hydroelectric workss for local usage aro und the state. 1.3 Phase of development of Hydro Energy Hydroelectric power grew quickly after that. In 1886 there were 45 hydroelectric workss in the United States. By 1889, 200 workss were bring forthing electricity by utilizing H2O for some or all of the power. At the same clip, hydroelectric power workss opened around the universe. Italy built its first hydroelectric works in 1885 at Tivoli, in the mountains outside Rome. The works ab initio powered visible radiations in the nearby town. But by 1892 a 2nd works in the same location was supplying power to Rome, the first long-distance power transmittal in Italy. Other states with good conditions for hydroelectric power shortly built workss. Canada, France, Japan, and Russia were among the first on board. During the period from 1900 to 1950 the usage of hydroelectric power increased quickly. 1.4 Economicss and political relations involved Hydro energy systems have a large impact economically as the system provides energy to public where they are charged for the serviced. While this procedure travel on capital normally comes in the market where every one gets a part of the concern or makes net income for there concern. Politically the system can do a difference for illustration if there is a natural catastrophe the authorities will do a loss. 1.5 Cultural and determination devising in different states Many states in the universe usage hydro energy system to make electricity in a lower cost. Currently Canada comes up top of the list for high use and the United States comes in 2nd. One of the chief grounds the undermentioned states took the determination to utilize hydro energy system the most to bring forth electricity is because it ââ¬Ës a renewable energy, which means it will non be depleted over clip and it will systematically be replenished. It is besides a clean energy beginning. 1.6 Possible Problems when utilizing Hydro Energy One job that can go on when utilizing hydro energy is that it sometime can alter the natural flow of the H2O which can do it possible to harm workss and animate beings in the H2O. It can besides damage countries and wildlife, as when making a hydro electric dike, countries should be flooded. 1.7 Profitable Hydro Energy system Other grounds that many states want to utilize hydro energy is that it is cheaper than utilizing other methods to change over energy to electricity. It is besides dependable and can be used about instantly when turned on to run into the demand for electricity. Therefore, one must weigh the pros and cons before make up oneââ¬â¢s minding to utilize hydro energy to provide their demand for electricity. 1.8 Application of Hydro Energy our Major A hydro energy works can absorbs the energy of falling H2O to bring forth electricity so a turbine can change over the energy of falling H2O into mechanical energy. Then a generator has to change over the mechanical energy into electrical energy. Hydro workss can be in different size from micro-hydro that power merely really few places. A Dam can raise H2O degree of a river to make falling H2O. Besides the dike can command the flow of H2O. The reservoir that is created is will practically hive away energy. The force of falling H2O should force against the turbine ââ¬Ës blades doing the turbine to turn in one way. A H2O turbine is similar to a windmill, except that the energy is provided in different manner, falling H2O alternatively of air current. The turbine should change over the kinetic energy of falling H2O into a mechanical energy. Generator that is connected to the turbine via shafts so when the turbine turns it makes the generator to revolve besides convert the mechanical energy from the turbine into electric energy. Wave Energy 2.1 Background of moving ridge energy Waves are of course caused by the air current which blows over the sea degree. In many portion of the universe, the air current blows with different force to supply moving ridges that can be used to bring forth energy. There is high degree energy and force in the ocean moving ridges. Wave power can devices and extract energy straight from the surface ocean moving ridges or from force per unit area fluctuations below the surface. Wave can besides be generated moving ridge when Earth quack takes topographic point. Wave power varies widely in different parts of the universe, and beckon energy ca nââ¬â¢t be usefull efficaciously everyplace. Wave-power can be found in different countries of the universe include the western seashores of Scotland, northern Canada, southern Africa, Australia, and the north-western seashores of the United States. 2.2 Technology In the current market engineerings and design in moving ridge Energy system has improved enormously. The industrial moving ridge power station/plant has to utilize a shoreline chamber, in which saltwater comes and goes of course. As the H2O semen, the air in the chamber is pressurised and forced to travel through a hole into the turbine, to do it turn. As the H2O recedes, the air is goes back, go forthing the turbine turning. The turbine so can be connected via a shaft but the new engineering is utilizing belt to the generator where energy will be converted into electricity. 2.3 Impact on environment In today ââ¬Ës universe moving ridge power is considered as environmentally friendly. Most complain normally come from local neighbors as it can be a spot noisy, landscape, or affect of roads taking to the sites. These complains are presently seen as disadvantage. 2.4 Political and Economic Impact Wave energy has made a large impact economically and politically from old ages. Economically in a manner when a undertaking take topographic point it brings capital together which means everyone little concern, contracts laborers, stores and many acquire a part of the concern and gain them net income. Politically it can impact the authorities if the undertaking does non work because of a natural catastrophe. 2.5 Application of moving ridge energy Kinetic energy of course has to be in the moving ridge that moves in the ocean. The energy can be used to power and run a turbine. Following the illustration in diagram 1 below moving ridge should lift while making the chamber. The forces of the lifting H2O really have to force air out of the chamber. The traveling air in ruddy coloring material shown in the diagram spins the existent turbine which will manually turn the generator. After this procedure wave down, air flows through the turbine and back into the chamber through doors that are usually closed. Others system really uses up and down gesture of the moving ridge to power Piston that moves up and down indoors the cylinder. That Piston should be able to turn a generator. Tidal Power ââ¬â Wave Energy Diagram 1 Comparison of different energy system Hydro Energy Hydroelectric power has other benefits as good. Dams and hydroelectric workss last a long clip. This means that one time the costs of edifice are paid off, a hydroelectric works becomes a comparatively cheap beginning of electricity. Wave Energy Wave energy system is every bit good as hydro energy. Advantages are it does non upset populace in instance there of noise. Disadvantages are it can do amendss in instance there are sea storm and besides mite be hard for applied scientists to make any care. Wind Energy Wind Energy system work about the same manner wave energy plants. Before applied scientists used to put large turbines in land but now engineering has improved same system can be build on sea and works every bit good as any other system. Decision Following the treatment between different sort of energy systems. Energy is a really of import factor in today ââ¬Ës universe. As engineering degree is lifting better energy system is been design and tested. Presently a new energy system has been tested which works under H2O. The turbine system is fixed on the land to protect against quiver. The turbine system rotates with the aid of sea H2O force per unit area. Engineers and authorities of all the prima states are puting more energy system because they are pollution free and do non necessitate any expensive fuel. How to cite How Does Hydro And Wave Energy Work Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Cognitive Theory and Self Esteem free essay sample
Miller and Dollard proposed the theory of social learning. In 1963 Bandura and Walters broadened the social learning theory with the principles of observational learning and vicarious reinforcement. Bandura provided his concept of self-efficacy in 1977, while he refuted the traditional learning theory for understanding learning. The Social Cognitive Theory is a theory that deals with cognitive, emotional aspects and aspects of behavior for understanding behavioral change. It is a belief that people learn there behaviors from others. According to the social-cognitive theory would suggest that individual with low self esteem can change their personality by applying the things they take in after observing other peoples behaviors whether they had low self esteem or not. Low self-esteem is having a generally negative overall opinion of oneself, judging or evaluating oneself negatively, and placing a general negative value on oneself as a person. This is then incorporated in the learning theories such that the role model from whom the individual learns from plays a vital role in enhancing changes in self-esteem. We will write a custom essay sample on Cognitive Theory and Self Esteem or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Theoretical Model of Behavior Change assesses an individuals readiness to act on a new healthier behavior, and provides strategies, or processes of change to guide the individual through the stages of change to Action and Maintenance.Ã The theoretical model can be use in individual with low self-esteem being exposed to situation to develop better traits to make their self-esteem higher and that friends can assist the individuals at a personal level.
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