Monday, December 9, 2019
Legacy of imperialism free essay sample
Since Frances defeat to Britain in the ?Seven Years War, ?France has been continuing toattempt to gain an advantage over Britain since they lost power and territory in North Americaand India. France and Britain have been growing rivals since the war. In 1798, the Frenchinvaded a province in Egypt, called ?Ottoman. ?Furthermore, the French had a presence in Egyptup until the year 1801, when joint British and Ottoman forces forced the French out of theterritory. Continuing forward in 1798, the Egyptians had broken away from the Ottoman rulewhen Napoleon invaded Egypt. In the ?19th century, the lasting legacies of imperialism in Egypt,Britain gave the authorization to allow Egypt to ship to and sell artifacts and monuments fromEgypt. These were sold in European countries and to this day, was what caught the attention ofthe peoples interest towards ancient Egypt. The anger the Egyptians had towards the ?Britishmonarchy ? had led to violence, which caused the Egyptian military to start taking action andcreated a ?military dictatorship ? in Egypt. ?Muhammed Ali Pasha, (1769-1849), ?had led theEgyptian resistance against the ? French invasion ? and gained control of the country in 1805. Egypt was impacted by ? imperialism ? because of the increase of quality in the economy (whichwas first at a critical low), ? ?cotton and light industries were introduced, and development ofimproved infrastructure, better dams, railways, and roads. Positives aside, imperialismnegatively impacted Egypt because of the loss of culture due to the spread of western culture.One of the reasons ? why Egpyt was imperialized ? was because of the ? Suez Canal. ? Between1859 and 1869, a French company built the Suez Canal. In the beginning, the Egyptianscontrolled the canal, which later on increased European interest as it cut thousands of miles offthe trip from Europe to Asia. Muhammed Ali Pasha was against the entire construction of thiscanal because he himself feared that this would increase the Europeans interest in Egypt. By the1870s, Europe did end up having partial control over the canal by purchasing shares of stocksfrom ? Ismail Pacha, (1830-1895). ?The Egyptian government was facing a severe financial crisis,and that led to Ismail Pacha selling the stock without a doubt. ?Now, why exactly would Britainwant to take over Egypt? ? Because of this, Britain was harder to defeat which caused the Britainreign to last even longer. ?The trade market ?- Britain wanted to gain control over the River Nilebecause then they could choose the routes for ships, and further expand to more countries towhere they would ship goods for money. ?But how exactly was Egpyt imperialized? ?Well, whenBritain took over Egypt, the country became a ? protectorate. ? This means that when the Britishwere at war with another country, the Egyptian armies were obligated to help them win.During the imperial times in Egypt, ? the following had occurred: Muhammed Ali Pashabegan introducing new and more efficient ?agricultural techniques. ? Later, he began harvestingcash crops. ?Cash crops ? are crops such as cotton, sugar, and tobacco that eventually are sold onthe ?world market. ? Muhammed Ali had many more projects and with the income from cashcrops, he established schools and eventually sent thousands of Egyptians to study in Europe. Healso invited the ?French military officers ? to train and equip the Egyptian army. With this strongmodern army supporting him, he had built an empire. To finance Muhammed Alis programs, hebegan to borrow money from ?European banks ?, which caused Egyptian debts to increase.Eventually, European creditors gained political and economical influence in Egypt and pressuredEgyptian leaders to follow policies that will maintain their financial interests.Egypt had numerous negative short-term effects such as a neglect towards socialconcerns, public health, education, etc, ? but they had also left positive long-term effects. ? Duringthe British rule, ?western clothing ? was introduced and to this day are still worn due to the Britishimperialism. ?Textile and cotton industries ? were a result of the British rule, and which at thetime the British had just moved on from their ?Industrial Revolution, ? they had much moreefficient ways and quicker inventions to produce textiles and cotton. Britain had brought theseideas with them, which helped expand their ?modernization in production. ?Because of Egyptsprevious ?intercommunication ?with Britain, Egypt continues to trade with countries in theSouthern Mediterranean region. British imperialism impacted the languages spoken in Egypt,where the natives spoke different diverse Arabic, and English had become the most commonspoken language. As for religion, as much as Christianity had expanded during imperialism,Muslim Egyptians had their religion maintained and intact. Now, only ten percent of thepopulation is Christian. To conclude, in the 19th century, the lasting legacies of imperialism in Egypt, Britaingave the authorization to allow Egypt to ship to and sell artifacts and monuments from Egypt.British imperialism impacted the languages spoken in Egypt, where the natives spoke differentdiverse Arabic, English had become the most common spoken language. During the British rule,western clothing was introduced and to this day are still worn due to the British imperialism.During the imperial times in Egypt, the following had occurred: Muhammed Ali Pasha beganintroducing new and more efficient agricultural techniques. To finance Muhammed Alisprograms, he began to borrow money from European banks, which caused Egyptian debts toincrease. Positives aside, imperialism negatively impacted Egypt because of the loss of culturedue to the spread of western culture. As for religion, as much as Christianity had expandedduring imperialism, Muslim Egyptians had their religion maintained and intact. Muhammed AliPasha was against the entire construction of this canal because he himself feared that this wouldincrease the Europeans interest in Egypt. As much as imperialism was negative, I feel that inEgypt, there were really good benefits caused by British rule.REFERENCESThe French Invasion of Egypt and Its Legacy. ?Microsoft Word,http s://w ww.u cis .p it t.e du/g lo bal/ s it e s/d e fa ult /file s/c u rric u lu m _m ate ria ls /c o ntr ib ute d/T heF re nch In vasio nofE gyp ta ndit s L egacy. p dfIm peria lis m in E gyp t . ?His to ry S tu ff, ?http s:/ /h is to ry stu ffw eb.w ord pre ss.c o m /im peria lis m -in -e g yp t/Dic ke y, E m ily . Im peria lis m in E gyp t . ?Pre zi, ?Marc h 5 , 2 014 ,http s://p re zi. c o m /y 3 3_r_ pub ojc /im peria li s m -in -e g yp t/J, A nth ony. Im peria lis m in E gyp t . ?Im peria lis m in egyp t. b lo gsp o t. c a ,http ://im peria lis m in egyp t. b lo gsp ot.c a /A ft e r I m peria lis m . ? Egyp tia n I m peria lis m ,http s:/ /e gyp tia n im peria li s m .w eeb ly .c o m /a ft e r-im peria lis m .h tm l
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